Management Level Examinations
To become a Category D, E, F, G, I, J, K, or M, management-level certificate holder, you must pass the qualifying examination and complete the applicable training course. Category E applicants must complete the 80-hour Category E Management Course. Category F, G, I or J applicants must complete the 16-hour Category F, G, I, and J Management Course. Category D, K and M applicants must complete an approved 8-hour training course.
To maintain your Category D, E, F, G, I, J, K, and M management-level certification, you must complete at least eight hours of continuing education every four years If applicable, the continuing education due date is printed on each certified individual's Railroad Commission LP-gas certification card ("blue card").
Category A, B, C, H, L, N, O, and P applicants and certificate holders are not required to comply with any LP-gas training or continuing education requirements.
Below is a description of each management level examination and the activities they cover.
Category A. ASME/DOT. Manufacture, fabricate, assemble, repair, install, subframe, test, and sell both ASME and DOT containers/cylinders, including motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; repair and install transport and transfer systems.
Category A-1. ASME. Manufacture, fabricate, assemble, repair, install, subframe, test and sell ASME containers, including motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; repair and install transport and transfer systems.
Category A-2. DOT. Manufacture, fabricate, assemble, repair, install, subframe, test, and sell DOT cylinders.
Category B. Transport Outfitter. Subframe, test, and sell transport containers; test LP-gas storage containers; install, test and sell LP-gas motor or mobile fuel containers and systems; install and repair transport systems and motor or mobile fuel systems.
Category C. Carrier. Transport LP-gas in a transport equipped with one or more containers; load and unload LP-gas; install and repair transport systems.
Category D. General Installers and Repairmen. Sell, service, and install containers, except motor fuel containers; service, install and repair piping and certain appliances as defined by rule, excluding recreational vehicle appliances and systems and motor fuel and recreational vehicle systems; sell, service, install and repair LP-gas containers, systems and appliances in manufactured homes.
Category E. Retail/Wholesale Dealer. Store, sell, transport and distribute LP-gas and perform all other categories of licensed activities except the manufacture, fabrication, assembly, repair, subframing, and testing of LP-gas containers and the sale and installation of LP-gas motor or mobile fuel systems rated at more than 25 horsepower.
Category F. Cylinder Filling. Operate a cylinder-filling facility, including cylinder filling, the sale of LP-gas in cylinders, and the replacement of cylinder valves.
Category G. Service Station. Operate an LP-gas dispensing station to fill ASME motor or mobile fuel containers.
Category H. Cylinder Dealer. Transport and sell LP-gas in cylinders.
Category I. Service Station and Cylinder Filling. Operate any service station and cylinder activity set out in Category F and G.
Category J. Service Station and Cylinder Facility. Sell, transport, install and connect LP-gas in cylinders; operate a cylinder filling facility, including cylinder filling and, the replacement of cylinder valves; operate an LP-gas service station as set out in Category G.
Category K. Distribution System. Sell and distribute LP-gas through mains or pipes; install and repair LP-gas systems.
Category L. Engine Fuel. Sell and install LP-gas motor or mobile fuel containers and fuel systems on engines.
Category M. Recreational Vehicle Installers and Repairmen. Sell, service and install recreational vehicle containers; install, repair and service recreational vehicle appliances, piping, and LP-gas systems, including recreational vehicle motor or mobile fuel systems and containers.
Category N. Manufactured Housing Installers and Repairmen. Service and install containers that supply fuel to manufactured housing; install, repair and service appliances and piping systems for manufactured housing.
Category O. Testing Laboratory. Test LP-gas containers, LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems to determine the safety of the containers or systems for LP-gas service, including the necessary installation, disconnection, reconnection, testing, and repair of LP-gas motor fuel systems or mobile fuel systems, transfer systems, and transport systems involved in the testing of containers.
Category P. Portable Cylinder Exchange. Operate a portable cylinder exchange service, where LP-gas is sold in portable cylinders whose LP-gas capacity does not exceed 21 pounds, where the portable cylinders are not filled on-site, and where no other LP-gas activity requiring a license is conducted. See LP-Gas Safety Rules §9.17, Designation and Responsibilities of Company Representatives and Operational Supervisors, for options for Category P licensees.