Submitting Data to RRC with EDI
Electronic Data Interchange
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a filing method where a data file, in a standard format, is submitted electronically to the RRC by the operator. Because EDI documents must be processed by computers, a standard format must be used so that the computer can read and understand the documents. A standard format defines and describes the required format (e.g., integer, decimal, mmddyy) of each piece of information in the data file.
The following types of data can be submitted as EDI files through RRC Online:
- Annual Disposal/Injection Well Monitoring Report (H-10)
- Completion Reports
- Oil & Gas Well Status Reports (G-10/W-10)
- Pipeline Integrity forms (PS-81 and PS-95)
- Production Reports (PR)
- Texas Damage Reporting Form (TDRF)
- Natural Gas Tariffs
Other types of EDI data can be filed through the E-file application. The links below provide instructions for filing through E-file.